The members of our research group have multidisciplinary research abilities that have been growing by means of the participation in different projects with the same principal investigator (PI). This guarantees continuity, quality of publications, and international visibility.
Second, the team is complementary: Prof. Alba in management and intelligent systems for smart cities, Dr. Chicano in theoretical results and software systems, Dr. Luque in dynamic problems and parallelism, Dr. López in intelligent business trading, Dr. Toutouh in vehicular communications and data analytics, Dr. Ferrer in software engineering and intelligent waste, Dr. Arellano in cyber-physical systems, Prof. Whitley in combinatorial optimization, and Prof. Yao in industrial innovation. We also include two young PhD students, completing a variety of disciplines: Mg. Stolfi in smart mobility and Mg. Cintrano in robust smart systems. The team is well-sized and has experience turning ideas to industrial prototypes.
This project is an extension of the previous moveOn TIN2014-57341-R (2015-2017), where we started to create fundamental research in smart mobility. This project is ending as we write down this proposal, having a successful impact in creating new techniques and applications, that led us to more than 30 indexed journal articles, four books, dozens of conference papers, five master theses, four PhD thesis and three PhD running theses directly related to the project (refer to section C.3). In the last five years we have been contacted by many companies , now some of them supporting this present proposal. We also crystalize our potential in actual figures: we had 2 industry contracts (INDRA and VATIA) and submitted 3 European projects (decision pending).
Over the last 15 years, we were successfully and continuously funded by several national projects: MALLBA (TIC1999-0754-C03), TRACER (TIC2002-04498-C05), OPLINK(TIN2005-008818-C04), M* (TIN2008-06491-C04-01), roadME (TIN2011-28194), moveOn(TIN2014-57341-R). We presently lead a Spanish network on smart cities CI-RTI(TIN2016-81766-REDT). As to international and European levels during the last 10 years we worked in CARLINK Celtic Project (CP3-005), COADVISE (PRISES-GA-2008-230833), ImAppNIO (CA15140), and several bilateral projects in Europe, America and Japan.
We also have worked closely with other highly experienced research groups and companies, that allowed us to learn and improve our skills: long visits to foreign research centers in the field of complex problem solving, such as Colorado State University (USA),INRIA (France), King’s College (UK), or Univ. Luxembourg (Luxembourg), and in the field of smart mobility, such as CENTRIA (Finland) and QMIC (Qatar). We host 10-15 external visitors each year in our lab at Málaga, and actively collaborate with more than 100 researchers in the world (ACM and IEEE activities): internationalization is then ensured.
Our team has already produced advances in theory of optimization algorithms, parallelization of metaheuristics, grid algorithms, and multi-objective optimization models. Besides,we have proposed innovative smart mobility solutions based on metaheuristics, with environmental savings, and efficient vehicular communication schemes, that allow real time traffic information exchange between the vehicles on the road. We recently entered smart economy and other diverse fields.